Survey Arch

Join the Conversation on Farcaster

Answer weekly community surveys to rank up and help the protocol grow.

What is Surveycaster?

It's the beginning of a new experiment in decentralized social.

We want Farcaster to succeed. While there's no magic bullet to make that happen, we know one thing is true: people want consistently useful, fun content.

But individual creators are notoriously inconsistent. So we asked…

How do we catalyze good content?

By doing three things:

  1. Effectively curating topics
  2. Rewarding quality responses
  3. Distributing at high velocity

With the community's help, Surveycaster can accomplish all three.

How does it work?

First we create consistent weekly questions that tap into hot topics, with detailed reporting on results.

Next, we'll incorporate community submissions and gamified rewards for engaging questions and answers.

Long term, the Surveycaster protocol can be used to direct macro-scale discussions across decentralized social.

How is it built?

We'll use Ethereum to handle community membership (NFTs) and potential grants; Farcaster for identity and comms; and an off chain database for results.

Survey Diagram

Are we over engineering this bot?

Maybe. But this is how revolutions begin - with a light dose of insanity.

What's the long term vision?

Here's where it gets fun. Short term, we'll create perpetual Schelling points for existing users to have fun conversations.

Medium term, we want to build a protocol that delivers surveys across multiple social platforms, then draws respondents back to Farcaster for results and rewards.

In the far future, this model of on chain, rewarded engagement can be spread broadly - and potentially even help solve the AI alignment problem.

Get the NFT to join (Soon)

We're launching a set of 270 custom collector card passes - you can see examples in the background here. They will provide:

  1. The ability to submit surveys
  2. Ranks & rewards for engagement
  3. Private gated channels

Keep in mind this is an unstructured passion project - one we're excited to build. To follow along, you can: